Friday, May 23, 2014

Choose the best time to visit Tibet Nomads

Choose the best time to visit Tibet Nomads

My clients always question me, what is the best time to visit Tibet to see the grassland and nomad people. actually, nowadays, Nomad people, who use to travel from place to place for their cattles food ,living and resident together in a village or town, some of the people finish the nomad life and have their own fixed house. However, life is life, the nomadic Tibetans still keep their ancestral primitive lifestyles, to shepherd.

Tibet Nomads
Tibet Nomads

If you want to see the nomads and their lifestyle, their tents, their dogs. you must visit Tibet at the nomadic season. the nomads season usually starts in April and that people go up on the hill for grazing for their hundreds of cattle. Nomads still do butter system on things they want and they exchange things like butter with barley with farmers. And these nomads can tell you weather condition by looking on sky and wind blowing. their nomadic season ends at the beginning of September.

If you visit Lhasa and do a Lhasa tour, you may plan a 2 or 3 days tour north of Lhasa to Namtso Lake, you can see the nomads tents and their cattle on the way. if you want to go deeper and experience more, you can arrange a Tsurphu to Yangpachen trek tour, walk across the grassland and even live by the nomadic tents, visit the nomadic family.

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